Results Of Sensory Properties Carried Out On Chicken Meat.

SENSORY PROPERTIES The results of sensory evaluation of processed chicken meat samples are presented in Table 1. The samples were assessed for appearance, taste, aroma, texture and general acceptability and the scores ranged from 6.40 to  8.08, 6.48 to 8.04, 6.92 to 8.04, 6.84 to 8.08 and 6.84 to 8.36. Fried samples had the highest score for all organoleptic parameters that was assessed and was liked very much followed by boiled samples which was liked moderately by the panelist. Smoked samples had the lowest scores for all the assessed sensory…

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Results I Got After Carrying Out Analysis On The Microbial Composition Of Chicken Meat.

MICROBIAL COMPOSITION Microbiological quality of boiled, fried and smoked chicken meat samples on the bases of the mean colony forming unit of the total bacteria and fungi per gram is presented in Table 4.3 while that of total Coliform and Salmonella count are presented in Table 4.4. Total bacteria count ranged from 1.8 x 103 to 3.7 x 103 cfu/ml while that of total fungal count ranged from 1.4 x 104 to 4.5 x 104 cfu/ml. Fungal count was higher than the bacterial count except in fried samples where fungi…

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Results and Discussion Of Heavy Metal Analysis Carried Out On Chicken Meat.

 HEAVY METAL CONTENTS The results of heavy metal analysis are presented in Table 1. The values for lead (Pb) ranged from 0.001 to 0.034 mg/kg. Control samples had the highest concentration of lead while fried and smoked samples did not differ significantly (p>0.05) from each other and they have the lowest concentration. Control sample had higher lead than the processed samples which revealed the impact of processing in the reduction of lead in chicken meat. The levels of lead reported in this study are below the maximum limit (0.10 mg/kg)…

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Proximate Composition Of Result Carried Out On Processed Chicken Meat

RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS PROXIMATE COMPOSITION The proximate composition of processed chicken meat samples is presented in Table 1. The moisture content of the processed chicken meat samples ranged from 56.05 to 72.43% with significant differences (p<0.05) existing among the samples. Control sample had the highest moisture content than processed samples. The values obtained in this study corresponds with the values (55.67 – 59.15%) reported by Osakue et al. (2018) for ready-to-eat (RTE) fried chicken parts and 48.50 to 53.90% reported by Rashmi et al. (2013) for quality characteristics of battered…

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Source Of Raw Materials, Method Of Experiment

Sources of raw material Live matured healthy chickens for this study was procured from Orie Ugba market in Umuahia North Local Government area, Abia state. All the analyses was carried out at National Root Crop Research Laboratory. 3.2. Raw material preparation The live matured chicken was slaughtered in a cleaned environment with a clean stainless knife, and a preheated water was used to defeather the chicken. The chicken meat was eviscerated to remove the unwanted parts after which it was washed thoroughly with a clean tap water to remove sands…

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