WhatsApp now allows you to silence groups forever in its new beta version

WhatsApp now allows you to silence groups forever in its new beta version

Edeycorrect reports on the new WhatsApp beta, version The relevance of this version comes from the muting of notifications . Specifically, in this latest beta it is now possible to mute groups forever, a feature that many of us have been waiting for for quite some time.


Muting groups on WhatsApp is not a new feature, but until now you could only mute them for a maximum of one year . If you want to never hear from a group again, the latest beta is the solution.


Silence, please

The latest beta version of WhatsApp,, adds the option to mute groups forever . This option is added to the 8-hour and 1-week options. If we select the mute forever option, group notifications will never be activated again , unless we do it again manually. This means that we will only be able to know if there are messages by opening the application.

This option is the replacement for the mute option for a year, which was the most aggressive option until today (and it still is in the stable version). At the moment there is no news of the arrival of this function in a stable form, but since it is already present in the beta it is a matter of weeks before it becomes official.


Similarly, the new version of WhatsApp comes with new tools to manage storage , already present in the latest beta, so it shouldn’t take long for them to land in the stable version.


See also  How to close all open sessions on WhatsApp Web

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