Governor Alex Otti Gifts Land To Federal Government To Establish Federal College Of Education In Abia State


Abia State Governor Dr. Alex Otti, OFR, on Tuesday 16th July, handed over the Certificate of Occupancy of the land donated to the Federal Government for the establishment of a Federal College of Education in Abia State. While handing over the land documents, the Governor also set-up a four-man committee headed by the Secretary to the State Government Prof. Kenneth Kalu to ensure that the proposed September deadline set by the Federal Government for the takeoff of the institution is realized. Other members of the Committee include the State Commissioner for Education, Prof Eme Uche Eme, the State Commissioner for Lands and Housing Mr. Chaka Chukwumerije, and the Special Adviser to the Governor on Education Mr. Kenechukwu Nwosu. The Committee is to give the Governor a written progress report fortnightly.

Speaking during the handover of the Documents, Governor Otti said that although the State Government has a College of Education which his administration is working hard to retrieve from the ruins of abandonment, one college of education is not enough to train the kind and number of teachers the State needs. In his words, “We Consider the Federal College of Education as a great asset to the State. When you have twenty percent (20%) of your budget dedicated to education, we believe that we will probably get to twenty-five percent (25%) very soon”.

“For us we are very resolute and unrepentant about our commitment to education. Even if you complete your education and you don’t have a job, it is not a problem; that you don’t have a job today doesn’t mean you won’t have a job tomorrow”.

“We do have a College of Education here that has been abandoned over the years. We are working very hard to retrieve it – the State College of Education in Arochukwu. But, we strongly believe that one College of Education is not enough to train the kind of teachers and the numbers that we require”.

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Governor Otti hinted that having already done what many considered ingenious by increasing the retirement age of teachers from 60 to 65 years, his administration is considering extending it to 70 years with a discriminatory package to attract people to the teaching profession. He explained that with teaching, one gets better with age. He harped on the need for continuous training for teachers, focusing on where the world is going.

“We need to continuously train our people; we need to put our feet down on what teachers should learn and how they should learn them. The truth is that you cannot give what you don’t have. So, if you teach pinhole cameras in 2024, what you will get are graduates that will retire before they start.

“Everywhere today, we are talking of digital technology. we are talking of broadband. we are talking of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). We are talking of software engineering. We are talking of artificial intelligence. We are talking of robotics and electronic vehicles. I’m bringing that to tell you where the world is going. Those are the kind of things I hope I can work with you particularly the provost, the Chairman of the Governing Council.

“We need to sit down and look at the curricular so that you teach people what will be useful to them. I hope there will be room for us to seat down and agree on what should be taught there? And, if we don’t have the resources, we will support you to get the resources from outside”, Governor Otti assured.

Dr. Otti pledged support and the commitment of the State Government to help the Federal Government to meet up with the September deadline kickoff of the institution. “So you can take it for granted that this Government will support you. If you have set a September deadline, we will support you to meet it. A journey of a thousand miles starts with one step. We may not be completely ready but let’s start. When we start, we will continue building.

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“So distinguished ladies and gentlemen, let me thank you once again and it is on this note that I like to handover the Certificate of Occupancy for the Federal College of Education in Ofoeme to the Federal Government”.

Earlier in her speech, Dr. Uchenna Ubah who represented Mrs. Didi Wilson-Jack the Permanent Secretary Federal Ministry of Health, said that they did so many things to make the College come up but it was really dragging but when Dr. Alex Otti took charge of Abia State, everything changed.

In her words, “Your Excellency, I want to really thank you for taking the bull by the horn to establish this College of Education because when you came in, you took charge and sent some of your Commissioners. That’s where I met Chukwumerije (Commissioner for Lands and Housing), he came to Abuja and made us to start processing the establishment of the college again because at a stage we had to really take it off and take it to another State. He came and showed passion that you sent him and we started again”.

“We are here today to take over the documents of the land and also to access the place that you have given us to see if by September the students can come in”.

In his Vote of thanks, the Provost of the College, Dr. Titus Ezeme thanked Governor Otti and the members of his team that played strategic roles in ensuring that the college is established. He expressed confidence that having known the pedigree of Governor Otti, the promises he made to help the college stand will be fulfilled.

Governor Otti was joined by his Deputy, His Excellency, Engr. Ikechi Emetu, the Speaker of the Abia State House of Assembly, Rt. Hon. Emmanuel Emeruwa, Secretary to the State Government Prof. Kenneth Kalu, some commissioners and other top appointees of the Government in handing over the land’s Certificate of Occupancy to the Federal Government.

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